Page 1 - Big Local Thurnscoe Autumn 2018 Newsletter
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to our Autumn newsletter!
of the community. It is just a pity that some of the older youths don’t treat these areas, play equipment and floral displays with respect. they should remember that we are only trying to help thurnscoe become a ‘better place to live’ not only for them, but for their future families. We appreciate the support of all residents in tackling anti- social behaviour and littering so that we can continue to invest in new facilities for everyone.
this year in place of the Winter Wonderland event, BLt are holding an ‘Halloween Spooktacular’ in thurnscoe Park on Saturday October 27th, and on Saturday november 24th thurnscoe Harmonic male Voice Choir will hold a benefit concert for us at St Helen’s Church Hall at 7.00pm, tickets are £8 including refreshments. Our final event of the year will be our Christmas event on Saturday December 1st at thurnscoe Library, this year featuring live entertainment from Barnsley metropolitan Band and thurnscoe Harmonic male Voice Choir. We are creating a magical grotto for children to visit Father Christmas- great value at just £2- and we will be switching on our Christmas lights around the tree outside the library. For the first time we are investing a substantial amount of money into bringing Christmas lights to the main street of the village- these will be on display every Christmas from this year and we hope you all enjoy them. We would like to thank Balmoral tanks for their contribution towards the costs of bringing Christmas lights to thurnscoe Derek Bramham- Chair of Big Local thurnscoe (BLt).
BLt is here to help thurnscoe become a ‘Better Place to Live’ contact our Development Worker Alison Vint on 07557 740330, , call into thurnscoe Library or check our website for all the latest news and information:
- Derek Bramham, Chair Big Local Thurnscoe (BLT) @BLthurnscoe BLthurnscoe
Hope you have all enjoyed our long hot summer, BLt have had a busy time of displays and events. We had a large number of fun-loving members of the community for the ‘Beach Party in the Park’. many thanks for the dedication and enthusiasm of the volunteers and support from the national Citizenship Service and also great volunteers from XPO Logistics. One of the refurbished houses on Grange
Crescent is just completing its sale and soon a new family will be joining our community. We are currently looking at a new housing initiative for the village.
The floral displays have given a great splash of colour along the main road, again thanks to all who assisted with the planting and watering. Our new play equipment has been used well by the younger members
1: Bringing the community together
2: A community where everyone knows what’s going on
3: A healthy environment that everyone can enjoy
If you can help us in any way, please do get in touch - contact our development worker Alison Vint on 07557 740330 or email
Autumn 2018
Core Priorities
Keep in touch: